Hotel Restaurants
Most star-rated hotels have their own restaurants and these, too, are inspected by us. As with independent restaurants, rosettes from one to five are awarded annually to hotel restaurants for the quality of their food. Not all restaurants receive an AA award, but will generally serve enjoyable food.
One Rosette
Chefs should display a mastery of basic techniques and be able to produce dishes of sound quality and clarity of flavours, using good, fresh ingredients.
Two Rosettes
Innovation, greater technical skill and more consistency and judgement in combining and balancing ingredients are all needed at this level.
Three Rosettes
This award takes a restaurant into the big league. Expectations of the kitchen are high: exact technique, flair and imagination must come through in every dish, and balance and depth of flavour are all-important.
Four Rosettes
At this level, not only should all technical skills be exemplary, but there should also be daring ideas, and they must work. There is no room for disappointment. Flavours should be accurate and vibrant.
Five Rosettes
The supreme accolade awarded only when the cooking is at the pinnacle of achievement. Flavours, combinations and textures show a faultless sense of balance, giving each dish an extra dimension.